Thursday, February 14, 2013

Neigbours are closer than you think.

One morning a couple of months ago, I received a message on Facebook from Beth, the daughter of a friend, who asked if my son was living in Soldiers Point.  It was an unusual question but I didn't think any further of it and so I answered 'yes'.  It seems a few weeks earlier Beth moved into the next block of apartments and had seen him on his balcony from her kitchen window. She really wanted to check that it was him because she didn't want to start waving to a random stranger.  What is really amazing is she works as a receptionist at a place where my son used to work. 

When things like this happen, we always exclaim "Its a small world!"

You know, the world does seem to be shrinking.  Or maybe technology gives us that impression.  When my mother was little, it would take days and sometimes weeks to get news from one side of the world to another.  Nowadays with Twitter, Facebook, the internet and 24hr news channels on television, you can find out what is happening in another country almost immediately. Nations are no longer separated by time and distance but we are now as close as our television or our computers.  We can celebrate with an athlete who wins a gold medal at the Olympics and we can weep with a family who loses everything when their home is washed away in floods.  

With this shrinking world the definition of 'neighbour' has changed.  A neighbour can be anyone anywhere in the world these days.  We can either view our neighbours needs as a responsibility or an opportunity to show God's love.  The choice is ours.  May we have the attitude of Jesus when it comes to our neighbours, whether they live next door, in the next street over or on the opposite side of the world.

I'm keen to find out if my son and his wife have made contact with Beth.  They may end up inviting Beth to their church or their home bible group or they may just stick with a friendly wave.  Whatever they decide, they need to be happy and comfortable with their choice just as we need to be comfortable with ours.

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