Friday, December 20, 2013

Jesus is the Perfect Christmas Gift

“There has been born for you this day in the city of David a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord Luke 2:11”

I usually start shopping early in the year for Christmas gifts.  The presents I purchase may only cost a few dollars but I choose each one, not out of obligation, but with someone I love in mind.  I admit that I get excited thinking of the person ripping into brightly coloured paper and I always hope that they like what I give them.

When I think Christmas presents, I’m reminded how God sent his son to earth for us. While Jesus’ life was a costly gift, God sent him with his love for us in mind.   

God says to anyone who’ll listen: “There has been born for you…a Saviour…  Jesus really is the perfect personal gift!  He was given in love and that makes our Daddy God the perfect gift giver.

Can you imagine the joy our God gets when we truly understand that Jesus is the perfect gift for us? I really believe that He feels the most honoured when we rip into the wrapping paper of theology and tradition and fully embrace the gift of Jesus.

This is the time of year when we celebrate the birth of Jesus and we plan and think about the gifts we give to loved ones.   At this time of year, may we remember that Jesus is the perfect gift given for us, not out of obligation, but out of the greatest love in existence.

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